5 steps to improve the life of your resistors

If you have been vaping for a long time, you will have encountered unpleasant burnt-tasting puffs more than once and you will have wondered why. There are several reasons for this to happen and it all has to do with the resistors of your Argus g2 and Argus p2 device.

Before we get into the subject, you need to know how a resistor works and why they burn, to try to avoid it; after all, we want to avoid experiencing the unpleasant aftertaste that it leaves behind, which is as if your throat were being shredded with a cheese grater.

To begin with, a resistor is an element that heats up when the device sends electrical current to it. The resistance has material that serves as a wick (usually cotton) and when it heats up it begins to vaporize the liquid with which the cotton or absorbent material is soaked.

All resistors have a useful life. There comes a time when it stops knowing the liquid we are using and tastes burnt, metallic, or simply stops generating steam. This is the time to change the resistor. Also say that the higher the power we are using and the lower the ohm rating in the resistance, the more steam we will generate but the less will last the life of the resistance.

When you take a puff with a burnt taste, it is usually because the cotton is dry or the wick has some spots that are not well soaked. Keep in mind that you can take a burnt-tasting hit even with a full tank of fluid. Now you will ask yourself, what can I do to prevent my resistors from burning out so soon? As we have already mentioned, the key to burnt resistors is that the wick is dry. To prevent your resistors from burning you must keep the cotton soaked in liquid. This means that you should not dry burn a new resist, if you do you will completely ruin the cotton which will mean that you will not be able to use the liquid efficiently and will maintain a constant burnt taste.


Tips to extend the life of the resistors:


  1. Wet the resistors before the first use

It is very important that you always wet the resistors before their first use. To do that, you simply have to put a few drops of e-liquid on the visible part of the cotton of the resistance. How much liquid should I pour? You should get the coil just enough so that it appears wet but not completely soaked. If you soak it too much, liquid may leak through the resistance. This is a common problem that some users encounter even when they have wet their coil before first use. This problem normally occurs with closed resistors. When the user is going to wet them, most likely, they will put a couple of drops only on the parts where the cotton is visible. To wet it properly, you should do it where the cotton is showing and a few drops on top. Not only that. Also, it is best to take several dry puffs (without pressing the button) to make sure that the liquid flows well through the resistance. But be careful, if we do it too many times, the liquid can flood the resistor. By making the puffs dry we make sure that the resistances are wet and that the puff will not taste burnt. vape price in pakistan


  1. Do not take many puffs continuously

If we take many puffs continuously, we are drying the cotton faster than the resistances get wet. When you vape, you should make sure that the coils always have liquid to avoid puffs with a burnt taste. With normal use, burnt puffs are not a problem, as you give the coils time to soak automatically. One way to know if the resistance is being soaked well is through the vuse go 5000 flavor we get with each puff. If the taste decreases, it means that the cotton does not have enough liquid and we risk burning the resistance.


  1. Reduce power

Vaping at the correct strength is very important; everyone finds the right point that they like best, and it's just a matter of trial and error. You have to take into account the ohm rating of the resistor since depending on the ohms the resistors allow you a range of power to use. If you vape too low power you will flood the coil and if you vape too much power you will burn it.

By lowering the power at which you vape, you will vaporize less liquid than there is in the cotton, reducing the risk of burning it and prolonging the life of your coils. If you're vaping at high wattages, you get bigger clouds and more flavor from the liquid you're using, but it also dries out the cotton more quickly. It's like vaping many puffs continuously, since you need to give the coil more time to soak up the liquid again.


  1. Keep the tank with liquid

Tank vaping with an RDA is similar in a way, you're not going to vape from an RDA without first checking how much liquid is left in the cotton, are you? When you vape with a tank, you need to make sure that the liquid level is not below the part where the cotton is visible. If the liquid level is lower, the resistor may not be able to soak properly and you risk burning the resistor. A simple solution is to make sure you always have a full tank, or on the other hand, move the tank slightly from side to side to make sure that the liquid wets the cotton, but to be honest, nobody usually has time to do that with each puff. .


  1. Use Temperature Control mode

The Temperature Control (TC) mode is a handy vaping feature if you prefer to ignore the previous tips. This avoids burning the resistors. However, this does not mean that they cannot be burned. This function is capable of detecting changes in resistance that occur when your materials are heated. This feature can be a bit tricky for a beginner, but once you get the hang of it, it works really well. pod price in pakistan

The way it works is by setting the temperature to which you want the resistors to heat up. When they reach that temperature, the electronic cigarette cuts the power so that it does not continue heating. On some Voopoo devices you can also adjust the wattage of the cigarette to determine how quickly it can reach that temperature. The temperature control only works with resistors that are made of nickel, titanium or stainless steel wire.


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